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Categorising Asbestos Containing Materials

You may have heard about ACMs—asbestos-containing materials—and how they can potentially cause the release of harmful asbestos fibres. ACMs come in many different types, and the type typically determines the level of risk that you may be exposed to on your premises.

Indeed, some ACMs are more likely to release asbestos fibres than others. It is important to understand ACMs and the type of asbestos that they may contain as you plan for asbestos removal.

Parts of Buildings Where ACMs Are Present

Before diving into the types of asbestos, it is useful to understand the parts of your building that may contain ACMs. In general, ACMs are mostly present in older homes, where asbestos was used for insulation and fire-retardation purposes. Therefore, most ACMs can typically be found in the following areas of the home:


In an attempt to properly insulate roofs, asbestos was commonly used in roofing tiles, asbestos cement sheets and roof sealant. Older homes (built prior to the 1970s) are highly likely to contain these ACMs in their roofing material.


Floors are also culprits for containing ACMs. You are likely to find ACMs in flooring tiles, floor insulation and coatings, subfloor tiles and floor rugs.


Asbestos can also be found in window putty, sealant, windowsills and window frames.

Types of ACMs

There are two main types of ACMs that are present in homes and buildings: friable and non-friable asbestos.

Friable ACMs

Friable ACMs are those that contain high concentrations of loose asbestos fibres. The term friable means that the fibres are fine and easily dissipated into the atmosphere. ACMs that contain friable asbestos are generally categorised as being high risk. If such materials are disturbed, they can dissipate large amounts of asbestos fibres, which can affect people who inhale the surrounding air.

ACMs in window putty, roofing tiles, pipework insulation and spray coatings are typically at high risk of containing friable asbestos. ACMs that contain friable asbestos should be handled with a high level of care when being removed from your premises.

Non-friable ACMs

Non-friable ACMs are those that contain asbestos fibres in a bound form. The asbestos is typically bound to a compound that reduces the likelihood of asbestos fibres being released via small amounts of pressure on the material itself.

Non-friable asbestos is typically found in roofing cement sheets, flooring tiles and waterproofing products. If undisturbed, non-friable asbestos causes minimal health risks.